Good but glitchy
I'm not really one for writing reviews but i enjoyed this enough to write one:
thing is even though i enjoyed the game there were a few glitchy bits in it, nothing especially major, but enough to niggle me, at one stage the "hotkeys" stopped working for me dunno why (also i think if you press a button twice like G then G not only does the selected guy not throw a grenade but it skips the rest of his turn
also saw some animation glitches while playing nothing major though (p.s. are dropped enemy guns supposed to dissapear after a short while?)
others have said some of the stuff that needs to be addressed on this game (like not being able to rename the classes you create) it might have been an idea to include a how to section on how to use the class creation screen, as i'm not sure if weapons have to be picked up from enemies before being used or what
still i did really enjoy the game, if this sounds like a rant it wasn't meant to be, just some constructive criticism